Group sessions are offered twice per month at 4:00 pm EST. Group sessions include a short lecture on a topic relevant to the entire group, as well as opportunities for a select number of people to perform and receive feedback.
Performers need to receive feedback for continued development but in a way that supports mental health. To that end, at OVS, group participants use Liz Lerman’s Critical Response Process (CRP) to provide constructive feedback to one another.
CRP is a method for giving and receiving feedback on a work in progress, leaving the performer inspired to continue developing. The artist who is receiving feedback asks for responses regarding a specific aspect of their work (i.e., how was my intonation?). Participants then ask neutral questions and engage in dialect with the artist to guide them to critique their own work. It is powerful and encourages those who use it to consider how they interact with others on all levels. OVS is intentional about delivering feedback in a way that does no harm!
Upcoming dates and topics
- March 31, 2022 @ 4:00 pm EST -- Powerful and targeted warm-ups for mind, body, and voice
- April 14, 2022 @ 4:00 pm EST -- Diction strategies that really elevate your performance
- April 28, 2022 @ 4:00 pm EST -- Goal setting for yourself and your students